Denise Wilkerson for Texas HD-94

From the Community, For the Community

Meet Denise Wilkerson.

A dedicated advocate for Tarrant County, Denise is committed to working for everyone in our community. With her proven track record of service, she's ready to tackle the issues that matter most to us.

Why Denise Wilkerson?

  • Experienced Attorney: Over 30 years of legal expertise, ensuring justice/fairness for all.

  • Community Leader: Actively involved in local initiatives, always putting community first.

  • Proud Texan Mom: Raising five successful young adults with strong Texas values.

  • Bipartisan Problem Solver: Ready to work across the aisle to get things done.

Key Issues:

  • Strong Public Schools: Protect and enhance Texas public education, so that our students are prepared for a diverse and changing labor market and to participate as engaged citizens.

  • Safe & Healthy Communities: Committed to improving infrastructure and protecting natural resources for safe, thriving neighborhoods.

  • Affordable Healthcare: Expand Medicaid coverage to improve healthcare access throughout Texas which will reduce the local property tax burden.

  • Support Local Businesses: Advocating for policies that help small businesses flourish.

  • Secure Borders: Promoting effective, humane policies to ensure the safety and security of Texas communities.

  • Reproductive Rights: Uphold the Constitutional rights of women to control their bodies, protect the right to contraception, and IVF

A vote for Denise is a

vote for:

  • Common-Sense Solutions: Practical approaches to everyday issues.

  • Community Values: Upholding the values that make Texas strong.

  • Independent Leadership: Putting people over politics, always.

I'm asking the people in our community, What do you care about?

Denise talks about the issues important to her community.

Key Issues


Denise Wilkerson understands that a strong education system is the foundation of our state’s future. As a proud parent and long-time advocate for public schools, Denise is committed to ensuring every child has access to high-quality education. She will fight for better funding, more resources for teachers, and enhanced safety measures in our schools. Denise believes that investing in our children’s education is investing in the future of Texas, and she will work tirelessly to make sure our schools are places where all students can thrive and succeed.


Our daily lives depend on reliable and safe infrastructure, and Denise Wilkerson knows that it’s time to make significant improvements. She will prioritize the repair and modernization of our roads and highways, ensuring that our transportation systems are efficient and safe. Denise also understands the critical need for a stable power grid and clean water systems to support our growing communities. By focusing on infrastructure, Denise will help create a stronger, more resilient Texas, capable of supporting families and businesses alike.


Denise Wilkerson believes that access to affordable healthcare is a fundamental right for all Texans. She is committed to expanding healthcare access, reducing costs, and ensuring that every resident has the opportunity to receive quality medical care. Denise will work to protect and improve healthcare services, especially for our most vulnerable populations and women. By advocating for common-sense healthcare solutions, Denise aims to create a healthier Texas, where families can feel secure knowing they have the support they need.

Border Security

Ensuring the safety and security of our borders is essential for maintaining the integrity and prosperity of Texas. Denise Wilkerson supports effective and humane border policies that protect our communities while respecting the dignity of individuals. She will work to strengthen border security measures, enhance technology, and improve coordination among law enforcement agencies. Denise is committed to finding balanced solutions that safeguard our state and uphold our values.


Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and Denise Wilkerson is dedicated to fostering an environment where they can thrive. She will advocate for policies that reduce unnecessary regulations, provide access to capital, and offer support for entrepreneurs. Denise understands the challenges small business owners face and will work to create opportunities for growth and success. By championing small businesses, Denise aims to boost local economies and create jobs, making our communities stronger and more vibrant.

People First

Denise will focus on policies that benefit everyone in our district, drawing inspiration from Texas renowned hospitality. Her goal is to foster inclusivity, compassion, and equitable opportunities for every individual, ensuring that the spirit of community and care permeates every decision she makes. It’s far past time for our representatives to listen to their communities and focus on the everyday issues that matter.

Texas is for All Y’all.


Elected Officials

Former Texas State Senator Beverly Powell

Texas State Representative HD114/Former Congressman John Bryant

Texas State Representative HD105 Terry Meza

Texas State Representative HD47 Vikki Goodwin

Texas State Representative HD41 Lulu Flores

Texas State Representative HD102 Ana-Maria Ramos

Former Texas State Representative HD 90 Lon Burnham

Tarrant County Commissioner Precinct 2 Alisa Simmons


Arlington Area Texas Democratic Women

Climate Cabinet

Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC

Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Sierra Club Political Committee

Tarrant County Central Labor Council


Texas Alliance for Retired Americans

Texas Democrats with Disabilities

Texas Muslim Democratic Caucus

Texas Progressive Caucus

Vote Common Good Candidate Distinction

Mental Health Now Candidate Distinction

Community Leaders

Dr. Opal Lee

Aftab Siddiqui

Andrea Radar

Beth Brockenbush

Bob and Jane Nelson

Cindy Shepard

Collette Portis

Dan and Charna Blumberg

David Jones

Debrah and Trevor Dyck

Donna Mack

Ella Jo McGovern

Elva Roy

Franya Wilhelm

Rear Admiral Huan Nguyen (Ret.)

Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director Western States Legal Foundation

James and Barbara Adams

Jo Anna Cardoza

Kathleen Walton

Kim Martinez

Laura Sloat

Linda and Dan Dipert

Mary Jane Themudo

OK Carter and Donna Darovich

Renee Leveridge and Greg Jones

Steve and Ivy Maxwell

Suzanne Duke

Yleen George

Mike Miller

Robert Johnson

Jock Bethune

Reecane and David Joeckel

Nina Henderson

Belinda and Mark Gist

Sally Hopper

Melina Wikoff

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